Melbourne’s wheel, the Southern Star, cost A$100 million to build. A littler over month after completion it suddenly stopped working. During my visit a delegation of Japanese engineers were flown in who subsequently ruled the wheel inoperable for at least the next six months.
Naturally people are asking why, during a world financial crisis, was A$100 million spent on something the city arguably really doesn’t need and doesn’t even work anyway. Well according to their website a “flight” (this is their word for a ride) on the wheel is “…an experience like nothing on earth.” Maybe no one has told them about the taller London Eye. Or the Singapore Flyer. Or the Star of Nanchang, Great Berlin Wheel, and Great Beijing Wheel, as well as a host of other structures all taller than the Southern Star.
But the Southern Wheel does have some advantages. For one it is the only permanent observation wheel in the southern hemisphere. And it also has the world’s first LED lighting system. Just in case you’re into that sort of thing.
The Southern Star will supposedly attract 1.5 million visitors a year, presumably after they’ve already seen all other wheels mentioned above and still have some change left over to see some more.
Gothenburg’s proposed wheel isn’t quite as grand, coming in at a lazy 60 metres. (The Southern Star is 120 metres, the London Eye 135 metres). But assuming that the whole point of a giant observational ferris wheel is to provide a good view of the surrounding area, Gothenburg’s planned wheel makes even less sense. The truth is Gothenburg is not short of lookout points. What they lack is something to look at. It’s a small compact city with a low-rise skyline. Any elevated spot above a fifth floor usually provides a good view of the city and its surrounds. At present they already

According to a poll in the Göteborg Posten, 54% of the public think it’s a great idea. As with the Southern Star the potential pull of tourists is the motivating key. But who are these people who travel large distances just to see ferris wheels? Even Facebook, where fan pages exist for things as banal and irrelevant as duct tape, dried leaves and Bono, lacks any evidence of ferris wheels’ supposed mass appeal. A group called ‘Ferris Wheels are the Greatest Things Ever’ has 53 members while another called “I Love Ferris Wheels” has one. Basically vast sums of money are being spent trying to attract a demographic that doesn’t even exist.
Interesting read! I too was amazed to see it when at home and wanted to go see it up close but never quite made it there. It is massive and amazing to see from the freeway (tollway) as you drive around the city. Can't believe they flew the japanese experts over and it is now deemed unusable for 6 months - what a fiasco!
How long were you at home? You would have seen the aftermath of the bushfires? We left just 3 weeks before "Black Friday". I imagine it is a changed place....
This is really interesting blog..keep it up!
You are making a good point here. What could a Ferris Wheel possibly add to this town.
I was horrified when reading about this news in Göteborgs-Posten. I know that Gothenburg locally is called Little London, but this is so stupid.
Fortuneately the last word is not said about this. It's not decided yet, it can still be stopped by the politicians.
What would a ferris wheel add? Not much (but that's not to say we should fear at as we do anything over 4 stories in Gothenburg). Anyhow as usual size makes up for other lacking things... such as compensating for a deeply resentful inferiority to Stockholm.
Gothenburg's official plan is to become an "event town" (this is what the economic hamster politicians come up with). They're doing well with this too: creating a bamboozling cinema monoculture (Bergakungen) and puking the spectacle called "Kulturkalaset" into the face of any local or locally supportive culture. And we all know of the VMs and the city's blue collar fasc(es)ination with sports: blaring the main drag (Avenyn) with with soccer games on large TVs. Also defacing the Art Museum with gaudy events is another beloved tactic with which to bedazzle the uncultured and terrorize the cultured. I know, it's not a theater town, it's a sports town. Things should be big, go bang, pang, and be proud of working class culture, etc.
Notice also that it's important that the ratmen make certain these events earn money for the city: the city is itself a product to be sold.
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